Monday, May 14, 2012

Amelia bug/ My mom ROCKS

JP Hand Straight sample

As of yesterday, I have been Amelia's Mom for officially 3 weeks! For the past 21 days she and I have been trying to figure out how all of this mother daughter business works, and I think we are finally getting it together (knock on wood). Although there has never been a day that I haven't been overwhelmed with gratitude for my little baby bee, there have definitely been hard moments. Having the sun shine through the blinds every morning, and trying to figure out where the old get up at 7, run three miles, hike the Y or go to yoga, Stephanie went has been a process. All of that, including other countless activities and duties that I used to do like make breakfast, dinner, garden, keep an immaculate house etc, have slipped through my fingers, and in it's place is this beautiful baby girl. It never occurred to me that almost every mom I know, including my own went through this process of elimination to make time for their own little babes. 
So, to all of the mom's who have made time and sacrificed for their children, I hope I can learn to be that kind of Mother to Amelia. And to my own mom, you ROCK, and everyday I find a new reason why.

I just love, love LOVE her.